Ian Lamborn and his wife Jeanette came to Uganda with us and helped complete a Child Care Centre in an orphan village. They also joined us in travelling to Gulu in Northern Uganda where many adults had lost their lives as a result of both political and terrorist incursions. This had left the area with many orphan children, vulnerable adults and rehabilitating escaped child soldiers. Sadly, Ian passed away last Thursday evening and as a result, HPI has lost a dedicated and humble supporter. Ian was a good mate and I will miss him dearly.
Jeanette has posted the following for her friends on her Facebook page and would like any HPI members to contribute in order to preserve Ian’s memory in Uganda.
“Thank you all for your thoughts and love. This is proof of how deeply Ian touched many people, and the impact he has made…all around the world.
He never wanted a funeral.
If you would like to honour his memory in some small way, I know he would want it to be by helping someone else. I invite you to support the charity that meant a great deal to him. Donations can be made to support those who have very little, but particularly the orphans in Uganda.
Humanitarian Projects International Inc. need our assistance now. Please consider adding to Ian’s memory…
If this latest project receives the financial support, perhaps they may consider attaching a plaque. Ian would be humbled.”
Jeanette, It would be our great privilege to honour Ian in this way and I suggest to members that donations made through the donation page, which are tax deductible, could carry the comment ‘In memory of Ian’. Alternatively, you can donate via direct transfer to HPI’s account: BSB: 064406 Account: 10611473 Reference: In Memory of Ian
Peter Mack
HPI Founder and Patron and Ian’s mate.
*Please leave a comment below to be passed onto Ian’s family.